View Enrolments
Users with the ebs4ILR licence can use View Enrolments functionality to view enrolment records.
To use View Enrolments, click the View on Enrolments button on the Learner ribbon.
The View on Enrolments window is displayed.
The View Enrolments window contains a grid, displaying the following fields.
Field | Contains this information... |
Funding Year | The funding year. |
Aim Type | The learner aim type as defined in the ILR specification. |
Funding Model | The funding model. |
Program Type | The program type. |
Start Date | The enrolment start date. |
Org Start Date | The original learning start date. |
Restarted | The restarted learning aim. |
Expected End Date | The expected end date. |
End Date | The enrolment end date. |
Progress Code | The progress code. |
Progress Type | The progress type. |
Compl Status | The completion status. |
Outcome | The outcome type. |
Include in ILR | Whether to include in the ILR. |
UI Code | The UI code. |
Concurrence | The calendar occurrence code. |
Aim ref | The qualification aim code. |